1-22-24 Pastoral Meeting Minutes



Chairman Kevin Casel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Deacon Chuck Koesterer, Dan Bacon, Eddie Baker, Phil Baumert, Kevin Casel, Corrine Katzer, Betsy Lewey, Yvette Lopez, Sherri Porterfield, and Patrick Schaub. The opening prayer was given by Yvette Lopez.

Guest Report:   Jay Meacham, Pastoral Council Director of Discernment for New Members, commended the Council for working to change our Council into a true Pastoral Council. The Synod on Synodality in Rome with Pope Francis has discussed that every parish will have a Pastoral Council. We are on the “cutting edge” of making this happen at St. James. The discernment process is important in the process of making this happen.

He addressed the Council the upcoming discernment for new members which will begin in February. Two new members will be needed to replace Dan Bacon and Patrick Schaub for a term of four years beginning in August of 2024. The Council discussed the importance of explaining to the parish the mission and change of direction the Council is undertaking in comparison to past years. It was decided that info about this along with a call for parishioners to consider participation on the Council will be in the bulletin the weekend of February 3rd and 4th. In addition, an announcement will be made by a Council member before all Masses on Feb. 10th and 11th.  The following members volunteered to make an announcement: Eddie Baker – 5 pm Saturday, Phil Baumert – 8 am Sunday, Yvette Lopez, at 10:30 am and Kevin Casel – Sunday at 5 pm. Phil Baumert volunteered to write the announcement to be given to the parish.

Jay suggested an informal question and answer get-together for parishioners interested in being on the Council after each Mass. The Council agreed with Jay’s suggestion, and this will occur on Feb. 17th and 18th in the AV Conference Room after each Mass. Jay did ask that if members would like to recommend someone, to be sure that that person is truly interested in going through the discernment and to get their contact info. Yvette Lopez volunteered to create a form to use with the Pastoral Council mission and to obtain contact information for interested individuals.

The weekend of February 24th /25th will be the deadline to give contact information of interested individuals to Jay. He will then contact those interested about starting discernment. Discernment must be completed by the end of May.

Old Business: 

Parish Survey: Council members were excited to learn that the survey was creating much interest and talk among parishioners. Dan Bacon stated that there were currently approximately 400 responses to the survey with the hope that there will be more by the time the survey ends at midnight on January 28th. Graphs will be provided to the parish concerning the results of answers to the questions. The Council discussed the importance of looking at the comments made on the survey. These will be important in determining the concerns and needs of the parish. Sherri Porterfield with assistance from Betsy Lewey volunteered to disseminate this data according to the various age groups. Eddie Baker commented that in breaking down the data it will be easy to find a common thread throughout the comments. Information regarding the comments will be made available to Council no later than the March meeting.

New Business:

Parish Lenten Traditions: Chairman Kevin Casel suggested that the Council consider a Lenten tradition to give to the parish. Catholics most of the time consider what to give up for Lent but more importantly, we should consider what and how we need to change to be more Christ-like in our daily lives by giving of ourselves. This involves doing a variety of activities. It was discussed that each week, the Council provide the parish with 3 possible activities to do. These would appear in the bulletin, on the website and possibly in the before Mass announcements.

Deacon Chuck informed the Council that the Soup Suppers will return this year. These will be held on the Friday evenings when there is not a Fish Fry following the Lenten Rosary. These would include a speaker and is a great way to create community in our parish. He suggested that when we attend parish events like this that members be sure to wear their Council name tags.

Formed: St. James has a subscription to the Catholic streaming service “Formed” that contains many different  excellent resources including videos, podcasts, movies and more for all age levels. Access to this service is free to St. James parishioners. Ways to make parishioners aware of this wonderful service for our spiritual growth were discussed.  It was suggested that we have some of our youth help others, particularly older adults, with how to access Formed and to highlight something important that the parish can access each week to read or watch.


Kevin Casel closed the meeting with an inspirational reading. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

The Council’s next meeting is Monday, February 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the AV Conference Room. If you have any ideas or concerns for the Council, please contact Fr. Mike or Chairman Kevin Casel. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Kevin Casel no later than Thursday, February 8th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Porterfield, Pastoral Council Secretary