3-18-24 Pastoral Council meeting minutes


MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024

Chairman Kevin Casel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Fr. Mike Roach, Deacon Chuck Koesterer, Dan Bacon, Kevin Casel, Betsy Lewey, Yvette Lopez, Joan Peluso, Sherri Porterfield and Patrick Schaub. The opening prayer was given by Deacon Chuck Koesterer.

New Business:  There was no new business discussed at this meeting.

Old Business:

Presentation of Survey results: 570 people responded to the survey in January. Dan Bacon shared with the Council members the percentage breakdown of the answers to each question included. These are divided into two areas as they were in the survey: Spiritual and Community. There are 6 graphs representing answers to each question in the Spiritual section and 5 graphs representing the Community section. It was first discussed in February that only one graph of each section be selected to place in the bulletin with directions for those interested to see the parish website for the additional graphs. Discussion continued with having one set of graphs (Spirituality) placed in the bulletin for one weekend and the other (Community) would be in the bulletin the following week. After additional discussion it was agreed upon by the members that all graphs be included in the bulletin in the same week and that these also will be on the website and possibly sent via email to those who are on the parish email list. The many comments will be discussed in the coming meetings and will not be published but used as a guide for the future.

Dan also shared with the Council pivot tables showing the response for each question broken down by age group. The Council was able to see the percentage of positive and negative responses of each question. All responses were overwhelmingly positive with respondents checking strongly agreeing or somewhat agreeing. There was one question where the percentage between “somewhat agree” and “somewhat disagree” was smaller was the area of providing Faith Formation for all age groups. It was discussed that this may point to a need for more Adult Faith Formation opportunities and develop of a program for the 18 and older age groups and may be the starting point for the Council.  Discussed were possible reasons for needing this as we have several opportunities with That Man is You for men, Walking with Purpose for women and the Saturday Faith Sharing group. Discussed was the need for a continued growth in and a deeper explanation for our Catholic teachings and traditions. Sherri Porterfield informed the group of a possibility for an Adult Faith Formation program at St. James beginning in the Fall of 2024. There were no details at this time but as they become available the Council will be informed of the development.

Patrick Schaub shared with the Council what his daughter had recently discussed with him about keeping young people in the Church after they leave home to go to college. This was briefly discussed with Deacon Chuck suggesting that we find out where students go to college and reach out with info about that college’s Newman Center. How we can help these young people remain active in the Church will be further discussed at future meetings.

Additional Business:

Hillcrest Ministries: Yvette Lopez shared with the Council attending the recent graduation of several participants which was held at the Community Center. She said it was very positive. She also met several other sponsors from area churches about more efficient and better ways of sponsoring an apartment. She suggested that the Council look at taking a leadership/coordinator role for each of the committees needed and then ask for parishioner involvement so that this will truly become a parish activity.

Mental Health Mass: Deacon Chuck reminded the Council of the Mental Health Mass to pray for all those suffering from mental health issues and their caregivers on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 pm. He shared that mental health is an important issue being addressed by the Catholic Church. He encouraged Council members to attend if possible.

Remarks & Closing Prayer:

Fr. Mike told the Council that the Mardi Gras party was a tremendous success with many people in attendance. A highlight of the evening was the first ever St. James Jazz Band led by Theresa Briar. He also asked that if anyone has questions or concerns regarding the Religious Education program to please contact him or our Director of Religious Education, Stephanie Ladenthin. If they have questions about Confirmation, they should contact Amanda Lewey.

The closing prayer was given by Patrick Schaub.

The Council’s next meeting is Monday, April 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the AV Conference Room. If you have any ideas or concerns for the Council, please contact Fr. Mike or Chairman Kevin Casel. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Kevin Casel no later than Thursday, April 4thth.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Porterfield, Pastoral Council Secretary