8-12-24 Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes



Chairperson, Joan Peluso called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Fr. Mike Roach, Eddie Baker, Kevin Casel, Chris Fullinwider, Corrine Katzer, Betsy Lewey, Yvette Lopez, Joan Peluso, Sherri Porterfield and Jeff Ridder. The opening prayer was given by Joan Peluso.

Guest Report: During the Council’s recent retreat, it was decided that the members would like to have a better understanding of each St. James staff members’ job.  Chairperson Peluso introduced St. James Pastoral Associate Cecilia Richardson who talked to the Council about her job. Cecilia is and has been a great asset in giving her time and talent to the parish over the past 23 years. As Pastoral Associate, Cecilia assists in the planning and execution of funerals and weddings of parishioners. She communicates with the family involved in these services to select the readings and music, as well as, taking care of any live streaming video needs and coordinating with the funeral dinner teams if needed. She deals with all aspects of any wedding at the church including, bridesmaid lineup, the wedding rehearsal, and making sure that the church is cleaned up and ready for Mass later in the day. In addition, Cecilia works with groups who wish to rent the Parish Hall or Social Hall for an event. She also takes care of parish emails and Prayer Chain requests.

Cecilia told the Council that her last day in this position will be August 31st as she is retiring. Chairperson Peluso led the Council members in thanking Cecilia for everything she has done for our parish and wished her the very best in her retirement. She will be missed.

Old Business: Betsy Lewey reported to the Council that the apartment which St. James sponsors is ready for a tenant. On the weekend of Aug. 10th and 11th parishioners were able to sign up to volunteer on one of six teams after each Mass. Betsy reported that there was a great turnout with many people wanting to volunteer their services. Eventually, team leaders for each team will be named to make it easier to accomplish each team’s goals. Everyone agreed how exciting it is to have so many parishioners wanting to be a part of this ministry.

New Business: Sherri Porterfield told the Council that the Adult Faith Program will be getting started with registration for the first class being held the weekends Aug. 17-18 and Aug. 24-25 after all Masses. Parishioners will also be able to register through Sept. 5th on the church website. She also told the Council that 9 parishioners are serving on the Adult Faith Team to help make decisions and assist in all areas of the program. In addition, she shared a video and information about the first class, THE SEARCH, and asked if any members could help with registration and/or would be willing to serve as a small group facilitator when classes begin. Classes begin on Sept. 12th and run through Oct. 24th. Additional classes will be announced and scheduled with more information to come.


The Council was informed that a group picture will be taken at next month’s meeting and to dress appropriately. This picture will be on the website and in the bulletin. She also told the Council that Sandy Gagnon, Director of Christian Initiation Ministry and Judy Keisling, the Bulletin/Website Editor will address the Council during the September 9th meeting about their jobs.


Closing: Fr. Mike closed the meeting with a prayer and the members prayed “The Lord’s Prayer” together.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. The Council’s next meeting is Monday, September 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the AV Conference Room. If you have any ideas or concerns for the Council, please contact Fr. Mike or Chairperson Joan Peluso. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Joan Peluso no later than Thurs. Sept. 5th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Porterfield, Pastoral Council Secretary