Pastoral Council Minutes 11-11-24



Chairperson, Joan Peluso called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Fr. Mike Roach, Eddie Baker, Phil Baumert, Kevin Casel, Chris Fullinwider, Betsy Lewey, Yvette Lopez, Joan Peluso, Jeff Ridder, and Corrine Sebranek. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, the Council met in the church sanctuary for a group picture. Yvette Lopez started the meeting with the opening prayer.

Guest Report: The Council was honored to welcome two staff members who told about their jobs here at St. James.

Scheduling Coordinator, Jeanne Greenwald told the Council about the varying responsibilities of her job here at St. James. Jeanne’s main function is scheduling groups and individuals who want to use a room or rooms throughout the campus. In addition, she secures and opens the buildings and takes care of any heat or air conditioning needs. Also, she has a variety of other jobs that keep the parish running smoothly. If there is a need for volunteers for a specific project such as the Hope Gift Cards, she will contact parishioners to volunteer. In addition, Jeanne takes care of scheduling for Mass intentions and any voice mail updates and getting new church guide books and calendars.

Stephanie Ladenthin, Director of Religious Education, told the Council her main job concerns anything regarding the development and organization of pre-K through middle school religious education. This is the first year for pre-K RE and currently 22 children are enrolled. Stephanie is guiding the transition of 6th graders to be confirmed in the future. This is a gradual process to move this sacrament from 9th graders to 6th graders and will take several years for this transition to be complete. Currently, there are 152 families that have children participating in RE in pre-K through 8th grade. She also reported that 71 students will receive their first sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion and 125 teens are preparing for Confirmation. She told the Council that there is a need for Adult Catechists. There is currently a Student/Adult Parent Teacher organization. This group organized and ran the recent Truck or Treat program with 250-300 students participating. This organization also is assisting the high school students wanting to go to Steubenville next summer to raise money. The spaghetti dinner held in October raised $1800. The next endeavor for our RE program is to start a young adult program for adults under 30.

Chariperson, Joan Peluso and the Council thanked Jeanne and Stephanie for their expertise and work in helping to make St. James the outstanding parish it has become.

Old Business: Joan told the Council that the goal to contact college students and working young adults who are members of St. James is a work in progress. There has been contact made with William Jewell College. The Council discussed possible methods to make contact, as well as, a timeline to do so. There was also discussion about calling this mission Alumni Outreach.

New Business: The Council discussed the needs of the parish and ways in which the Council can assist our parish community. Kevin Casel suggested the importance of creating and organizing traditions in our parish that will help to strengthen our community. Another idea was for the Council to work with Religious Ed to sponsor a project to assist parishioners and their families to make an Advent wreaths for their homes. Another suggestion was to sponsor a weekend where parishioners can view the new event space which is now open for some events. Also discussed were ways the Council could establish communication with various ministry heads to be able to assist those ministries with any needs they may have.

There was a short discussion on having holy water holders of some type on the walls of the church near the Gathering Space exit. After a short discussion, it was decided that this was not needed. Finally, it was decided to take another look at the survey given at the beginning of this year to see additional concerns and needs of the parish. Discussions will continue at the December meeting concerning these and other possible ways to assist our growing parish.

Closing: Fr. Mike closed the meeting with a prayer and the members prayed “The Lord’s Prayer” together.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. The Council’s next meeting is Monday, December 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the AV Conference Room. If you have any ideas or concerns for the Council, please contact Fr. Mike or Chairperson Joan Peluso. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Joan Peluso no later than Thurs. December 12th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Porterfield, Pastoral Council Secretary