1-13-25 Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes



Chairperson Joan Peluso called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Council Members present were Fr. Mike Roach, Deacon Chuck Koesterer, Eddie Baker, Phil Baumert, Kevin Casel, Chris Fullinwider, Betsy Lewey, Yvette Lopez, Joan Peluso, Sherri Porterfield, Jeff Ridder and Corrine Sebranek. The opening prayer was said by Phil Baumert.

Guest Report: The Council welcomed Fr. Timothy Armbruster who told the members about his project to develop a Young Adult Program for those who are ages 18 to 28. With his position at the Precious Blood Center, he has been asked to develop a program to reach young adults particularly in the Northland Deanery area. Focus would first be here at St. James and gradually include other area parishes. St. James is a good place to start this program because so many young adults know Fr. Timothy from the time that he was associate pastor here. One of the main problems identified is connecting with this age group. Fr. Timothy met with several young adults after Mass the first part of December. He wants to have a core group of interested people who will help him determine what is important to this age group in terms of activities and events to create a community for this age group. There was also a short discussion about the need for a Young Married program and if this would be included in the development of the Young Adult program. He did ask that if anyone would like to help him and has thoughts or ideas to feel free to email him at .

Director of Liturgy and Music, Danny Baker was invited to talk with the Council about his responsibilities at St. James but unfortunately, was unable to attend due to a previous commitment. He did however send information regarding his work at St. James and Sherri Porterfield relayed this information to the Council. Danny was hired in 2007 and is currently in his 17th year. Most of the parish knows that our excellent music program here at St. James is due to Danny’s hard work, talent and leadership. He plans all music for all Masses including Feast Days, Holy Days, Prayer Services and other special occasions, as well as for any weddings and funerals. Danny schedules musicians for each Mass, providing tools and recordings for at-home practice and will often schedule in-person rehearsals when needed. Danny directs numerous musical groups here including the Parish Choir, Handbell Choir, Music Group and Teen Choir. He provides leadership and support to Ernie Collin, Director of the Children’s Choir and to Hannah Powers, who oversees the music at St. James School. Besides preparing worship aids for funerals and other services, he coordinates everything for the weekly live-streaming of Mass and creates a weekly worship aid to assist viewers.

A most important part of his job is overseeing all liturgical ministries at St. James with the help of dedicated ministry heads of each group. Included in the liturgical ministries are Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushes, Greeters and Servers. Danny oversees the art and environment of St. James, gathering volunteers to decorate the church for every liturgical season according to the guidelines set by the Catholic Church. He takes care of all items used in our liturgies such as candles, incense, wine, etc. and serves on the Diocesan Liturgical Commission.

Other responsibilities include managing our Social Media accounts on Facebook and Instagram and hosting and coordinating community concerts and ecumenical services at St. James. Finally, he works closely with Fr. Mike and the Parish Staff to tend to the needs of our St. James Community.

Several Council members commented on how fortunate we are to have Danny here at St. James as many parishes do not have the level of music that we have here at St. James. All members agreed that the St. James staff is a hard-working group of very dedicated to our parish.

Old Business:

Discussion of Future Goals: At the December meeting it was suggested that members review our Statement of Purpose and Article II of the Bylaws to guide members in setting goals and dreams for the future. It was decided that this action be tabled to the February meeting.

New Business:

Upcoming Confirmation Receptions: Betsy Lewey asked the Council members to help with the Confirmation receptions this year on February 26th and March 21st. She said that there was a particular need for setup. Council members then signed up to assist with these receptions.

Hillcrest Hope Apartment: Betsy Lewey reported that we have a resident in our apartment. The resident is a single mother with 5 young children. She will be meeting with the resident to find out what needs she has and how we can help her. In addition, we have been asked to host a graduation ceremony for four or five graduates from the program on February 18th. Approximately 50 people will be attending the graduation ceremony. St. James will be responsible for the meal. She said that more information regarding this will be forthcoming.

New Council Members and Annual Retreat:

Joan Peluso reported that Council members, Phil Baumert, Betsy Lewey and Yvette Lopez will be coming to the end of their four-year term in May. According to the By-Laws, it is time to encourage Parishioners to consider participating in discernment to be a Council member. Interested parishioners can attend a Meet and Greet for more information after all Masses on February 1st and 2nd. These will be held after the Saturday and Sunday 5 p.m. Mass in the Gathering Space and after the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses in the Parish Hall. Members signed up to make an announcement before each Mass and work the information tables after Mass.

Also, the Council was reminded that parishioners who have previously served on the Pastoral Council or gone through discernment are welcome to be considered for selection to the Council by going through discernment again. Please let one of the Council members or Fr. Mike know if you interested.

Closing: Fr. Mike closed the meeting with a prayer and the members prayed the “Our Father” together. Chair Joan Peluso adjourned at 8:39 p.m.

The Council’s next meeting is Monday, February 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the AV Conference Room. If you have any ideas or concerns for the Council, please contact Fr. Mike or Chairperson Joan Peluso. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Joan Peluso no later than Thurs. Feb. 6th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Porterfield, Pastoral Council Secretary