2024 Contribution Statements Year end tax statements are available in the Parish Office during regular business hours: 9:00am – 12 noon. If you would prefer this statement emailed to you … Read More
Social Care Ministries for St. James encompass ministries that reach out and support the community as well as our parishioners.
Advent Giving Tree
An outreach program designed to help people in need at Christmas. Cash and checks are gratefully received then distributed to those in need through the help of various agencies throughout the Northland,
Blood Donors
Blood donors are individuals who recognize the need for donating blood to help save someone’s life. Because blood cannot be manufactured, donors are literally the lifeline for patients needing blood to survive. St. James partners with Community Blood Center of Kansas City to host six blood drives annually to help provide life-saving blood and blood components to local patients. Because whole blood can be donated every 56 days, attending each of our drives will maximize the amount you can give each year.
Each blood drive is typically held on the last Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September, and November from 12:30-7:00pm. On occasion it may be necessary to hold it on a different Tuesday so be sure to check the weekly church bulletin, our church website, or our church Facebook page for specific dates and sign up information. To schedule an appointment to donate at one of our drives, visit www.esavealifenow.org and use sponsor code ‘stjames’. For medical eligibility questions, call 1-800-688-0900.
Each donor must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with parent/legal guardian consent form), weigh at least 110 pounds, and be in good health. Donors age 16-18 years old may be subject to additional height and weight requirements. Donating blood takes less than an hour to complete and each unit of blood donated can potentially serve three patients. Together we can make a life-saving difference! For more information on donating blood, visit www.savealifenow.org.
Contact - Nikki Power 816-407-1208
Care Ministry
A Ministry for Sharing Our Losses: A Journey of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Contact Sandy Gagnon for more information. Email Sandy
William Jewell Outreach - The William Jewell Ministry is an outreach ministry intended to create a welcome and friendly avenue for registered Catholic students at William Jewell College.
Funeral Dinner Ministry
After the funeral of a parishioner, parish volunteers provide a dinner for the family and friends of the deceased. Find out more...
Hope Gift Card Ministry
The HOPE Gift Card Ministry provides an additional source of funding for St. James Parish to use to support its education programs and meet other needs as defined by the pastor. The parish purchases gift cards at a discounted price and sells them at face value. Find out more...
Landscape Care Team
There are several opportunities for sponsorship; including donation of flowers, plants or memorial bricks along with volunteering for ongoing maintenance of the garden.
Contact - Gretchen Lathrop 816-781-4569
Meals on Wheels
This ministry assists the Liberty Meals on Wheels program by delivering meals to the homes of those with diminished mobility in the Liberty area. The meals are prepared by the Liberty Hospital. Often, these meals are the only hot, nutritious meal the clients will have for the day. Just as important, these deliveries provide the clients with a friendly face to connect with and someone to check on them throughout the week.
St. James provides one driver each Monday and Friday and additional drivers when needed. Meals are picked up at 11:00am at Liberty Fire Station #1 at 200 W. Mississippi St. Each volunteer driver is assigned a clipboard with a mapped route, a cooler with drinks, and a food container with 2-6 meals to deliver. Depending on the number of deliveries, the route will take 20-45 minutes to complete.
This is a very rewarding ministry for our community and we are always looking for new members.
Contact - Nikki Power 816-407-1208
One City Cafe
On the fourth Monday of each month, St. James, Liberty, provides the workers (no cooking required) to serve approximately 180 people a hot meal, and to clean up afterward at the One City Cafe (formerly St. James Place Soup Kitchen). The time commitment is from 3:30 to 7:15 pm. On the third Sunday of the month after each Mass there is a sign-up for those willing to work or to donate money to the kitchen. One City Cafe is located just south of St. James Church, Kansas City at 3934 Troost.
Contact – Rick Conard 816-781-4523
Prayer Chain
Through the power of prayer the St James community comes together in times of need. Whether it is to offer a prayer of thanksgiving or to ask for a prayer request all are invited to send their requests to the ministry head.
Prayer requests need to be sent by email. Each request will be copied, pasted and include requestors name unless specifically marked to be anonymous.
Contact – Cecilia Richardson 816-781-4343x203
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The mission of this ministry is to provide unconditional love and comfort to the recipients of our shawls. These shawls are made to wrap, enfold, cover, mother, give solace, hug, and shelter and beautify those who receive them. Find out more...
Respect Life Ministry
The St. James respect life ministry seeks to promote and protect human life from conception to natural death. We strive to accomplish this through education, support & prayer in the parish & community. We support our local crisis pregnancy center through the annual Mother's Day Diaper Drive & the Advent giving tree. Find out more...
Short Term Meals Ministry
Parish volunteers will prepare and deliver meals to the homes of any parishioner having a temporary need for the help due to illness, injury, or special circumstances.
Contact – Jan Peters 816-792-0796
St. Mary's Food Kitchen
On the fourth Sunday of each month St. James provides the food and workers to serve a hot meal to an average of 125 people at St. Mary’s Food Kitchen located at 6th and Nebraska Streets, Kansas City, KS. The facility is named the Wilhelmina Gill Multi-Service Center.
We believe that prayer changes things! Whether a friend or family member is walking through a difficult situation, sickness or just needing an encouraging word, we stand committed as the … Read More