St. James has numerous groups for our members to participate in throughout the year. From Knights of Columbus to Feast Celebrations to monthly clubs like Over 50's or Dinners for Eight. Click on the links to find out more.
It is the mission of the Saint James Altar Society to promote the spiritual life of the women of St. James Parish, to promote true Christian charity, the love of God, our neighbors and Christian family life and to foster love for the house of God and to labor for its care and adornment.
Membership is open to all adult women of the parish. Meetings are generally held on the first Tuesday of the month from September through June at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. In June, December, and September we begin our meetings at 6:00pm.
Through an annual $15 membership fee, we are able to provide the Communion bread and wine used at all our Masses and the care for the robes and vestments for our priests and altar servers. We purchase the church candles, serving pieces, and other needs of the altar and sacristy and assist in the maintenance of the altar as needed and undertake various other projects as requested.
Contact - Sue Rosekrans 816-695-8432 or Janice Janice Brimer 816-781-5382 .
Troop 214, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #6780, provides a youth-led program of outdoor experiences and personal growth with background assistance, advice, and guidance of adult leaders. Troop 214 is available for boys age 11 – 18, regardless of religious denomination.
Cub Scouts - Pack 214 - An introductory experience associated with the Boy Scouts of America, is also sponsored by the Knights of Columbus #6780. Through program events, camping and various activities with adult supervision and participation, the boys develop a sense of responsibility and self confidence. Find out more...
Groups of eight people share four dinners in host homes over an 8 month period with each providing a portion of the meal. Find out more...

The Do-Dads’ are Fathers, Family and Friends coming together to help serve the needs of the parish and school. The Do-Dads are men who offer their Time, Talent, and Treasure to raise funds and perform various improvement projects for the St. James community. We work alongside the school and church to achieve common goals in a variety of ways - by sponsoring and volunteering at events throughout the school year – and by providing “sweat equity” to work on all St. James projects. Please email Troy if you would like to be added to our email distribution that contains meeting times and locations. Contact - Troy Sheeley 816-679-0425

The Glory Be Tea, held in early December provides an opportunity for attendees to get to know each other better and to spiritually prepare for the Advent and Christmas seasons. New committee members and volunteers and volunteers are always welcome. Visit the GloryBe Tea Website for more information.
St. James Council #6780 has an active membership in our parish providing social and service functions to our parish family and community. The Knights of Columbus is the world's largest Catholic fraternal service organization.
If you are a Knight "Share" your membership with those that are not. Ask them to join our ranks. If you are not a Knight join our ranks and "Share" with us the Joy and Pride of being the strong right Arm of the Church.
For more information about the Knights of Columbus - visit our website at
Contact - David Jones 816-868-5718
Marriage Encounter is designed to give married couples an insightful look at the one person they have chosen to live with for the rest of their life. The emphasis of Marriage Encounter is on communication between husband and wife. Find out more...
This ministry provides an opportunity for family members of an Active Duty military person, Guard person, Reserve, etc. or a military person to provide to military persons and family members in the parish and community love... Find out more
The Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Village is a "small village" of the Cities of the Immaculate, a national organization. Members gather monthly for prayer, study, and evangelization. Each meeting begins with a renewal of one's consecration, the recitation of the rosary and a reading from St. Maximilian Kolbe's writings, followed by discussion and fellowship. The St. James MI Village generally meets on the third Saturday of each month at 10 am in the School Library. All who have participated in a Marian Consecration at St. James, or elsewhere, are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Precious Blood Companions are lay people who choose to live a life of faith through the spirituality of the Precious Blood and St. Gaspar. They live the bond of charity, carrying the spirit of the Community: reconciliation, prayer, hospitality and justice, into their own ministries and the world. They meet monthly to study, pray, share faith and enjoy Community fellowship.
St. James Church has an active group of women and men who pray the Rosary every weekday morning in the church after Mass. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. It will take about 30 minutes of your time. We welcome your participation.
Contact - Christy Eichler via the parish office 8116-781-4343
- Rosary Rally - The feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary is on October 7 and is celebrated at St. James by parishioners forming a living Rosary in the perimeter of the Church and with singing and praying the Rosary followed by reciting the Litany of the Blessed Mother in the Prayer Garden.
The feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of the family, is celebrated with a St. Joseph’s Table on March 19 with a meal of spaghetti, salad, and dessert. Find out more...