It is the mission of the Saint James Altar Society to promote the spiritual life of the women of St. James Parish, to promote true Christian charity, the love of God, our neighbors and Christian family life and to foster love for the house of God and to labor for its care and adornment.
Membership is open to all adult women of the parish. Meetings are generally held on the first Tuesday of the month from September through June at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. In June, December, and September we begin our meetings at 6:00pm.
Through an annual $15 membership fee, we are able to provide the Communion bread and wine used at all our Masses and the care for the robes and vestments for our priests and altar servers. We purchase the church candles, serving pieces, and other needs of the altar and sacristy and assist in the maintenance of the altar as needed and undertake various other projects as requested.
Contact – Sue Rosekrans 816-695-8432 or Janice Janice Brimer 816-781-5382