Staff Directory List Call (816) 781-4343 then the extension number listed. NameTitlePhoneEmail Rev. Mike Roach Pastorx201 *protected email* Rev. Michael Volkmer C.PP.SSr Priest in Residence 816-883-2550 Deacon Chuck Koesterer*protected email* Danny Baker Dir of Liturgy and Music x207*protected email* Ernie Collins Dir of Children's Music Ministry; 816-769-8862*protected email* Sandy Gagnon Dir of Christian Initiation Ministryx206*protected email* Judy Keisling Bulletin Editor/Websitex205*protected email* Katie KlassenBusiness Managerx220*protected email*i Stephanie LandethinDir of Religious Eduucationx208*protected email* Kirsten Maggi Office Coordinator-x204*protected email* Jeanne GreenwaldScheduling Coordinatorx200*protected email* Jennifer Smith School Principalx213*protected email*