June 2020 Minutes

Pastoral Council Meeting

Monday, June 8, 2020

Members Present:   Julie Harman, Steve Gregoire, Lou Angles, Libby Hernandez, Kevin Nordhues, Arsenio Arciga, Dan Bacon, Hugo Mendoza, Patrick Schaub.

Members Absent: Marla Neal

Guests: Father Mike, Deacon Chuck, Jim Newell, Jennifer Smith & Troy Sheeley

Opening prayer by Father Mike. Julie opened the meeting at about 7:02 pm. Minutes from the April & May 2020 meeting were approved.

Jim Newell’s Discussions: 

  • New window shades on all the South windows of our lower level.
  • There are to be new flowers for the fountain this coming weekend (June 13&14)

Deacon Chuck’s Discussions

  • Quadrupled attendance at mass this last weekend
  • There is a general reduction in attendance at this time of year when families take vacations.
  • Half of the RCIA group as already been brought in with the last half coming this weekend for a total of 20.
  • Confirmation of those that missed the 1st Confirmation time (only 3) is to take place on the last weekend in June.
  • Bishop’s Annual Appeal is coming up in November. He mentioned that the Diocese has been supporting us, so we should support them.
  • First Communion scheduled for a couple weekends in July.

Jennifer Smith’s Discussions

  • Homebound instruction for the children – Many schools have been teaching to lower standards, but St. James remained at high standards.
  • We stayed in close communication with families – STAYED CONNECTED.
  • Virtual May Crowning
  • 8th grade retreat via ZOOM
  • 8th grade graduation ceremony is planned for June 24th
  • Summer instruction was discussed
    • Usually require reading from the students
    • Reading & Math practice is laid back or low-key
    • Students log into computers 3 times per week
    • Parents remain connected with teachers
  • Kids have also learned a bit about what their teachers have been doing.
  • About 97-98% have stayed connected
  • Special efforts made to keep 8th graders engaged.
    • One teacher went to visit an 8th grader who was behind
  • Open Wednesday, Aug. 19th for new school year
    • 26 full-time teachers
  • Father received good response from families who were happy with the 1 on 1 contact during COVID
  • There are presently openings in every grade level with the upper grades the fullest.

Troy Sheeley’s Discussions (Do Dads)

  • Work is being done to put a shelter over the picnic tables behind the cafeteria.
  • BBQ is scheduled for the end of August – likely Aug. 28-29.
  • Color Run is scheduled for the Saturday of the BBQ, tentatively Aug. 28
    • 5K run where different colors of powdered paint are thrown at the runners at the end of their run.

Father Mike’s Discussions:

  • Re-opening of the church went well
  • Some churches have still NOT opened
  • There has been a slight increase in attendance at the daily masses
  • Giving was down $30K in April and $20K in May
  • Government payroll protection was extended 4 extra weeks
  • Capital Campaign payments remain good
  • Gifts for those in need continue to come in
  • Father thanked the pastoral council for all their support during re-opening

Dan Bacon’s Discussions:

  • A curbside K of C Shrimp Boil is scheduled for June 19th at 5-8 pm
  • 3 knights in the kitchen; some taking orders; some bagging the food ; and some delivering the orders to the parking lot.
  • Menu: Tilapia, shrimp, potato, coleslaw and all the “fixins”
  • Credit card, cash or check accepted (no change)

Libby Hernandez’s St. James Auction Discussions: 

  • We are NOT seeing donations as usual
  • Scheduled for Oct. 10th with the theme, “Together in Hope”
  • Auction may look a bit different this year…
    • Smaller live auction
    • Silent auctions will be the same
    • 50/50 Raffle
    • Mouse races – One can sponsor a mouse
    • $50 cost per ticket
    • Heavy appetizers with beer and wine

Lou Angles’ Discussions: 

  • Mowing of the St. James grounds
    • Tractors and mowers donated
    • 3 mowing teams made up from members of K of C, the Do-Dads & TMIY
    • Savings estimated at $20K

Julie Harman Discussion: 

  • Pastoral Council Members – Please be careful about what we put on Social Media as we are representatives of the church. 

Next meeting – Generally the pastoral council takes off the months of July and Aug., but with the pandemic issue, there has been discussion about meeting during those months – Julie will let us know.

Closing Prayer – Father Mike – Prayer of Gratitude – The Lord’s Prayer

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