Pastoral Council Minutes (9-13-21)

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes (9-13-21)

The opening prayer was read by Arsenio “RC” Arciga:

An Audience of One (Opening Prayer):

Father in heaven I love You with all my heart.  I live to do your will and to glorify you alone.  May the work of my hands, the speech of my voice and the direction of my feet continually be inspired to move in synch with your will.

Strengthen my resolve as I serve you in being your light to others….
that I will be sold out to always following you and never being caught up with what the world thinks of me….

but in my heart of hearts rest in what my love for all I do…

That it honors you alone according to your Word in nature and scripture.

May we continually do what matters and be  committed to  bring others to follow you like we are…

if not more…

May we strive remember that it’s not about us…

But the love You have for us all.

Jesus I trust in you.  (For Leader)

(Everyone reponds):

Jesus I trust in you… Amen!

After the Opening Prayer, the Chair of the Pastoral Council, Dan Bacon, asked Katie Klassen if she had any updates. Katie stated that the Annual Report is finished and that a follow up meeting for the Annual Report would occur on Thursday September 16. Katie mentioned that Suzanne Kiesling, the Facilities Manager, left at the end of July, 2021 and that she was looking for a replacement. Katie also mentioned that June 30 is the Fiscal Year-end.

Libby Hernandez was out of town for the meeting but it was mentioned that the School Auction will be on October 9. Libby will have badges for new Pastoral Council members at the October meeting.

Betsey Lewey and Yvette Lopez discussed the Holy Smokes BBQ. The event made a small profit and was well-attended considering the heat and that there was a pre-season Kansas City Chiefs Football game and high school football games. The event may be moved to October to avoid conflicting events and hot weather.

During the 5th Sunday Curbside Burrito Sale, 315 burritos were sold. Kevin Casel coordinated the event. The burritos were prepared by members of the Knights of Columbus. The Burrito Sales are planned thru the end of the year.

Betsey Lewey then discussed the Pictoral Directory. 485 out of 1400 families (34.5%) participated. There was a problem with the online ordering, as it would close during weekends and that’s when a lot of people would normally sign up. It was possible to buy a CD of photos but the salesman did not communicate that.

Dan Bacon then discussed the New Evangelization. The New Evangelization Report will incorporate data from the Financial Report. There were approximately 20,000 hours of service. Judy will have 800 flyers made of the New Evangelization Report made and these will be distributed inside the Church Bulletin. Danny Baker will develop a link on Facebook regarding the New Evangelization Report with a message from Saint James Parish – “Faith and Good Works”. The New Evangelization Report will occur every year, and Dan stated that the report could become more detailed as time goes on. Deacon Chuck emphasized the importance of faith and good works, ie, saying the Rosary is good, but actions are important as well and he gave the examples: Harvesters, Saint Mary’s Food Kitchen, One City Café, the Knights of Columbus, etc.

There will be a “Getting to Know You” dinner with 150 invitations to be sent out the week of September 20, 2021 for the October 2 event. The event is focused on welcoming the parish families who joined since the new church opened (November 2019 thru July 2021). The event will have food and wine, with child-care provided. Kevin Casel will discuss Men’s ministries and Brad Hover will also give a presentation.

Old Business:

Coats collection: Kevin Casel has asked if the Knights could take this over and Dan discussed the item with the Pastoral Council and everyone agreed that it would be a great idea for the Knights to take over the Coats drive. Dan Bacon will proceed with the request.

The Pastoral Council discussed the need for new payment platforms. Katie Klassen is open to pursuing new platforms and will discuss with the Financial Committee. Dan Bacon requested that the Pastoral Council be notified of the next Financial Committee Meeting, so that a member could attend, and Katie Klassen said that there would be no problem with that.

Lou Angles stated that the last Coffee and Donuts after the 8:00 am mass only had 5 families in attendance. Lou Angles discussed Active Shooter Training. Katie Klassen stated that the Diocese Risk Management Group did not want to pursue Active Shooter training because of liability. Lou Angles responded that the church is exposing itself to liability by not considering Active Shooter Training. Katie Klassen later clarified that as part of a complete plan there would be a component including weapons and elimination of the threat and this would be the part that Risk Management is not so much in favor of. Katie will follow up with Father Mike on how he would want to introduce a Run Hide Fight plan to the parish.

Father Mike Roach stated that there will be a mention during the Homily of the next Mass of the 2 year Dedication of the new church. Father Mike also stated that we have good church attendance, the school is going well with no incidents. Enrollment in the school is approximately 325 students.

Regarding the Capital Campaign, Katie Klassen stated that the Church is ahead of schedule and that the debt for the mortgage on the building is now under 3 million dollars.

Next Month, during the Pastoral Council Meeting on October 11, Lou Angles will do the prayer.