09-11-2023 Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes




Chairman Kevin Casel called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Fr. Mike Roach, Dan Bacon, Phil Baumert, Kevin Casel, Corrine Katzer, Betsy Lewey and Sherri Porterfield. The opening prayer was given by Phil Baumert.

Guest Report: Chairman Casel introduced, and the Council welcomed parishioners, Scott and Anna Alessi who explained an opportunity for a Pickleball Ministry here at St. James as a fun way to encourage our congregation to get to know one another and create community within our parish. A certified pickleball instructor, Scott, told the Council that the back parking lot behind the church would be a perfect area for this activity. Mr. and Mrs. Alessi would take care of the organization of this ministry, chalking the court(s) and providing the nets. For those who haven’t played before and/or don’t own equipment, they could provide paddles and balls as well. This activity would be fun for all age groups, and it was suggested that Mr. and Mrs. Alessi also talk with the middle school/high school RE sponsors about this possibly becoming a special activity for the youth of the parish as well.

Mrs. Alessi said they would like to get this started soon, possibly on a Wednesday evening. There would be no cost to participate and those interested would use a QR code to sign up so that there will be enough equipment for participants. Information will be placed in the bulletin within the next few weeks with the Council helping as needed.

Old Business: 

  • Point of Contact Ministry: Dan Bacon reported that we are in need of 3 additional people for this ministry to begin. He asked Council members to please help him recruit these needed parishioners. Hopefully, once this is complete, a training session will be held.
  • Emergency Assist Ministry: Betsy Lewey reported that has people but would like more to participate. She is planning to ask those people who are part of this ministry to speak at one of the weekend Masses. This will be followed by interested individuals signing up after the Mass. She also reported that there has been a problem with miscommunication in the awareness of this ministry and the ushers. Betsy will place info in the bulletin and ask that an email be sent once again to all ushers.

New Business: The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to developing key concepts to be included in the survey for the congregation. It was suggested that we use the St. James Mission Statement as a guide in developing these concepts. The Council members agreed that the survey should be kept as simple and short as possible. After some discussion, agreement was reached that 4 main concepts were needed. The Council will develop key questions within two of the main concepts during the October meeting and will, hopefully, complete the writing of the survey with the other two concepts at the November meeting. The survey results will help the Council to develop strategies and actions to address the needs and concerns of our parish.

Closing: Fr. Mike reported that the RE program is underway and registration is very good. He praised the Director of Religious Education, Stephanie Ladenthin for her work and vision for the program. In addition, he reported that the Altar Society had much success with their recent campaign to increase membership. Fifty-nine women participated in the first meeting in September. Fr. Mike then closed the meeting with a prayer and the members prayed “The Lord’s Prayer” together.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m. The Council’s next meeting is Monday, October 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the AV Conference Room. If you have any ideas or concerns for the Council, please contact Fr. Mike or Chairman Kevin Casel. If you would like to attend the meeting, please contact Kevin Casel no later than Thurs. Oct. 5th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherri Porterfield, Pastoral Council Secretary